Hi all, Im new here and to Mobile home park investing. Id love to meet some of you! Are there any local or online meetups where yall network? Here is my email if anyone wants to reach out to me, thanks! larocherealestate@gmail.com
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what state are you in? I’m in western WA
Hey Barbra,
How are you? Im in metrowest Ma… Not too far from you.
Are you a new investor?
Dan G.
DLG Properties
I’m in Washington state, a bit far actually. Sorry
Hey! im in westerm Mass. do you invest in the area?
Hey Doug,
Just new england.
Dan G.
DLG Properties, LLC
Hey Doug,
havent in mass. when they come up in mass. they are gone quick, sometimes depending on size bought up by hedge funds.
Hey Barbra,
sorry about that. i misread. that it said Ma, not WA. oops! have a great week!