Zego and TWA payments- collecting tenants e mail addresses

We are transferring to Zego and TWA via rent manager. Half of my tenants have been paying via money orders the other half via check.

What option do you think would be most viable with automated rent collection Zego Cash pay or something else give what make of payments I have historically.

Also what was the most efficient method for collecting tenants e mail address? I am concerned that in the process there will be a mistyping etc and their e mail will not b put in the system correctly

i was thinking my site manager will go around with his cell phone and ask tenants to input their e mail address to Notes or another app on his phone?

What has been your best practices for collecting tenants cell phone/e mail addresses?

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My tenants provide their email/cell info on my tenant app. If you want correct/non typo info, have your manager tape a letter onto their door that asks them to email you - explain why you want it in the letter. Those who don’t email you should be visited by your manager so he can get it.

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@tmperrault 's methodology for email collection should successfully reduce your error rate to near 0.

What we do is have them write their email addresses down. Then we tell them they will receive an email within 48 hours. After the 48, we send texts out.

And for those who are non-compliant (yep, theyre are always a few), we give them several reminders. If they fail to be responsible and play ball, the fines start. We have tried everything in the past, and unfortunately losing money tends to get these stubborn folks to engage. A shame, but hey, its their choice…

Using Zego CashPay would be the most viable option for automated rent collection since many of your tenants already use money orders and checks, making cash-based payments a familiar transition. For collecting email addresses efficiently, consider using a simple digital form (like Google Forms) that tenants can fill out themselves, reducing the risk of mistyping. Your site manager can assist tenants in filling it out on a tablet or phone. This approach is similar to how vape eCommerce businesses streamline customer sign-ups by using digital forms and automated verification to avoid errors in customer information.