WWTP: Waste Water Treatment Plant

I have a 61 lot park in Elizabethtown, KY that I has an aging septic system. I am looking into alternative sewer options. Public sewer is too far away to be practical for tapping into. Does anyone know a WWTP operator or installer I can talk to about what is takes to install a WWTP for a 61 lot, 40 acre park.

Any help is much appreciated!



Feel free to give me a call. We operate multiple wwtp and other water and wastewater systems.

Phillip Merrill

Personally having owned and operated WWTP they are a real costly and at times with Federal Standards changing an item we will never have again (NEVER). In preference would be a sand filter system, aeration system, or just upgrade your present septic system since you mentioned you have 40 acres. With a WWTP that has outflow leaving your property–that is a potential major problem!!!

Thanks, Phillip. I will give you a call tomorrow morning.