Who Will Lend On Chattel?

Friends -

Rumor has it Clayton Bank has recently been upbraided by their auditors and is temporarily suspending their chattel lending operations. Great Northern Funding does seem to still be in business, but has tons of paperwork to fill out and is warning that their lending standards have tightened considerably and that it’ll take 60+ days for me to actually get the money.

Is there anyone else out there who actually lends on chattel? I’d be interested both in talking with financing companies and any individuals looking to invest. 9% - 15% interest, anyone?

Many thanks,


I received an e-mail from Shields Investment Properties who say they are lending on mobile homes. Their number is 800-701-1900.

I would like to know how they do if anyone actually uses them.


Wheat Hill MHC

(330) 426-9558

21st Mortgage does chattel lending they too are a Berkshire Hathawy Company. I was unaware that Clayton Bank was offering Chattel lending.

That number for Shields Investment Properties now rings to ‘Costallion Music.’ Do you have another number for Shields? Or address? Or that e-mail…?



Clayton has a couple of great products for home inventory and notes-chattel, but it is tied into the deed of your property. Best part is they understand the business.

Strange. OK, try this number: (724) 424-1900.
