I am looking for reasonably prized rent collection software that will provide online payment option as well as payment via local gorcery stores such as wallmart, kroger etc. Most tenants pay rent via money order ( moneygram or western union) or actual checks handing to the onsite manager, manager deposits at the local bank. Want to streamline and eliminate manager collection of rent/deposit to the bank and . Park is only 55 lot so there is monthly budget is a concern
Which software is the most use friendly, cost affective and has best features besides rent manager. We are using stand along Rent manager currently for generation of statements and reports
If you are already using Rent Manager, why not just use Zego, formally Paylease?
The payments will automatically integrate into Rent Manger which makes it very easy!
We use RM with Zego. We have over 100 lots. Initially when we setup this new system around 10 people used the cash pay option. Now we are down to 2 people paying with cash. We do not even offer the cash option to new tenants. This day in age getting new tenants setup to pay via ACH is easy and we have slowly gotten rid of the cash payers.
I don’t have 100 lots. I was told at that time (2018) that they require 100 lots unless you are a Rent Manager client and then they will allow it. Might want to ask.
You do not need 100 if you are using Rent Manager. It is only $1 per ACH transaction too which is really good in my opinion. Talk to Zego through Rent Manager. $200 lowest tier for Rent Manager. The features in RM seem incredible (I am learning) and $200 monthly rate seems like a steal. I currently pay more on another system with maybe 5% of the features.