Where to buy Mobile Homes in MS?

Hello Everyone,
My first post here, but I was long time lurker or reader. Learned a lot & I want to thank you for that.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions where or how to buy Mobile Homes? I have a park in MS & 10+ vacant slots. Should I purchase them new or used & where.

Any other suggestions how to fill up these vacant slots.

Thank you,

What I call the scratch and dent section of mobile home lots. These are the ugly houses that are too old to get financing that the lot got in on a trade. Sometimes if you establish a repore with the sales people, you can get the deals straight from old owner and so cheaper. There are several factories here in Mississippi like Capert in Vicksburg for newer options. Curious, what part of MS is the park in?

Thank you Richink,
We are in the Tupelo Area, what about you?

Thank you very for that inside information. I am out of state, do you think I can pursue things by telephone?

I was calling dealers and the price is $65-75 per sq/ft for brand new mobile homes. I am looking for used homes. In your previous purchases, can please advise how much you bought homes for ? (ball park answers)

I’m an hour south of Jackson. I’m sure you can do by phone. 2 years ago it wasn’t nothing to buy a house for 7-10,000, put 5-10,000 in it and have a brand new home. Inflation and supply and demand have pushed those prices up obviously. I was also buying from vanderbuilt’s repo department

Thank you very much this info. I’ll be making some calls this week.