When do you first see the property when investing out of state?

When investing in MHPs out of state, when do you go to see the property? Do you look at it before placing an offer or only during 30 day due diligence?
How many times do you physically inspect the property during the purchasing process?

You look at it after you have it under contract. If you want to get a look at it prior to going under contract, the most economical way is to post an ad in the gigs section of Craigslist for someone to take a video of the park. We generally pay $50 for this if we absolutely feel we need it. Otherwise, we have the seller or broker supply us with as many pictures as possible.

Our physical diligence generally lasts 3-4 days. That is the amount of time it realistically takes us to get all the information on the POHs, self-inspect anything that needs looking at, and talk to city officials and banks. Most everything else can be done with a phone or a computer. Don’t plan on doing anything besides being at the park and talking to others about the park those 4 days though.