When Mobile Home Millions is over in a month, will you be one of the people who are extremely happy that you attended, or will you will one of the people who says “I KNEW I should have gone!”
Jim and I have attended every MHM that has been held. Sometimes it wasn’t easy because of money, scheduling or you name it, but we knew that it would ultimately cost us more NOT to go. Case in point, had we not attended the MHM we would not now own a park in Troy, Alabama or have Steve Case as a business patner.
We met Steve and Sarah by going to functions just like this one. Had we taken the “cheaper” path and waited for things to come to us rather than going after what we wanted we would still be sitting here waiting…and waiting…and waiting.
We have forged so many great friendships and business partnerships by attending MHM. Last year we were cultivating a relationship with Clayton Bank and Trust at MHM, the year before we left Anaheim with a money partner for a park in Rome, Georgia! (We obviously never got a contract on that park, but everyone knows that all deals don’t come together.) We never would have had either opportunity without these functions.
I personally have formed a mastermind group with several female members of the mobile home community. We email each other regularly; sometimes many times a day with potential deals, questions or just for moral support. We are in several states, but got together before the recent MOM meeting for a couple of days and plan to personally touch base in San Diego. I encourage everyone to form their own groups - we have found it to be an excellent vehicle to help each other rise to the next level. I met all these wonderful women at MHM in Orlando. (If you form a group, don’t forget the chocolate
Jim and I are taking the opportunity of flying to the west coast to take a few extra days off and see the area. We will be with Fred Balke at a round table for anyone to ask questions about what we do, how we do it, or anything else you can think of! I hope each and every one of you will stop by and introduce yourselves to us if we don’t already know you! Like Greg, we got fantastic plane fares to San Diego, but ours are out of Montgomery, Alabama.
Mobile Home Millions is an event that you can’t afford NOT to attend! The networking, friendships and deals that come out of it are priceless.