Waste Treatment Plant

Hi all,

I’m looking for a good source for Waste Treatment Plants. I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX region. I’m closing next week on a park that I’d like to expand… the limitation currently is 5000 gallons… so I can only have the existing 20 mobiles… The return is decent with just leaving the park with the existing 20 mobiles… but since it’s on ~11 Acres… I’d like to expand it to ~50 units. I’ve been quoted a price for a 17000 gal aerobic treatment plant approved by the state of Texas… + $ for the permit… I’d like to check around & see if it’s possible to do better than this.

Any info is appreciated.


Edwin Bland

Mansfield, TX

H: (817) 483-2579

C: (817) 914-5201

I hope this may lead you to some useful info. Here in Missouri we have an association www.moruralwater.org distributors, dealers advertise on it - in the classified section I have seen some used units listed - anyway I would imagine Texas has a similar association.

Thanks Shawn,

I’ll see what I can google. I’ll also try contacting TCEQ, the oversight body for the water system. They’ve been very helpful finding out the history of the current water system & septic system. Perhaps they can help.

Best Regards,

Edwin Bland


I noticed you mention being in MO. What part? Anywhere up near Kansas City?

Give me a call sometime if you like.

Michael Stilfield


Sorry for the delay in reply. I am located in Rolla, MO. I own 80 pad MHP with room to grow, currently 67 pads occupied. 573-265-2600