Utility billback suggestions in Pennsylvania

Purchasing a community in Pennsylvania for the first time. In speaking with a PA attorney, he mentioned that utility bill back can be a little tricky, as our standard practice of billing back water and sewer based on water consumption (using the municipality rates), could be considered to be “selling a utility” and cause us to be looked at as a PUC. I was wondering if any PA community owners would be willing to share their PA bill back strategy/processes? Thanks in advance!

Rick - I am on a plane right now but have access to this database and can help get you the info. Let’s keep in touch

That would be great. Thank you!

hi Isaac,
i am in contract on a PA community and need to consider if i can bill back water/sewer. please let me know if you have info to share on this. thanks!

Hey Saul, let me look into this today. I’ll reach out either here or in Pm. I’ll be in touch!


also @RickB (some of this information may be helpful for you but I am going to reach out in dm because I have a few sub questions that may help you out)

You are allowed to with restrictions. Is this location local to Pittsburgh or Philadelphia? This could potentially change the regulations.

PA is a pretty weird state - I’m seeing that there are some other regulations dependant on which provider you are using. If you can let me know about the question above, and what utility provider you are using I could do some groundwork. Feel free to reach me in direct messages if you would rather talk there and maybe grab my number.

I am not a lawyer or a regulation specialist. Rather - I play in this field and have resources that I would love to share with you. I just want to make the note that - while I can find what I can using my tools I would not consider myself as ‘the law’ here. Just trying to help where I can!