The YearThat Was

The past year, 2010, was a good year for us. We achieved, more or less, our five year goals in three years. We have not considered any future goals, but expect the year 2011 to be just an extension of the trends established previously. Musing about expectations is generally more profitable than making predictions, because the latter requires specific timing that human interactions and events usually don

I neglected to mention, that Cory Donaldson shared his secret weapon with us from the beginning of our venture. Bo Shomansuroff of Mobile Home Concepts in Abilene,Tx. who services all of Texas and the neighboring states, taught us how to select, evaluate, purchase and place our homes. I traveled all over the state and sometimes out of state because Bo insisted that we should inspect every home before we placed our bid. He ,along with Tony Collella and Scott St.Aubin deserve much credit for our success.


I too no longer state goals. Not for one, three or five years. My daily plan is to be open to whatever comes along, even if it is only one chocolate chip cookie!

Happy New Year,
