Tenant sells their Mobile to a Truck Driver

Hello all, I trust you are well.
I have a situation. I have a tenant who I’ve non-renewed their lease due to many late payments. They are being served for eviction later today. They are in the process of selling their tenant owed home to a truck driver. The truck driver is being combative, letting me know that if I don’t accept him, he’ll move the home out of the park. Here’s the question. Do you have any experience with this type of situation? We used the lease that Frank provided that says that any homes moving out of the park must have a $1,000 deposit before the home is moved for any damages to infrastructure. Does all of the responsibility go on the current resident who hasn’t paid his current rent (he and his girlfriend I have a signed lease with)? Do I notify the local police to keep an eye on the truck driver moving the home out of the park (I believe that he’s is serious)? How would you proceed? Thank you for your perspective and thoughts.
With Gratitude,

Once a person finds out they have leverage [trk driver] concerning moving a MH out they use it to their maximum benefit. Try and determine if this trk driver has the means [toter or someone with] or the funds to move it. Otherwise hes just BS’ing to get what he wants. Ive had several tenants threaten this and most of the time they cant follow thru or plan to follow thru. Gaining more info is crucial. Police wont help in this matter. I rely on nosey neighbors to call me or my manager for signs of a tear down. Some will park equipment in front of the tongue to send the mover a signal you’re not rolling over easy for them. Rents, late pyts, proper move out notices need to be given by tenants, etc. Good luck!

Your lease is with your current tenant so you have to go after him, but it will be challenging. The police will not help you. Best you can do is work with the new tenant to accept him, and if he cannot be accepted, you are at a loss for what can legally be done. If he moves the home and does not have a moving permit, call the state police and report somebody moving an oversized load without property state authorization. I have never done that, but it may work.

Bottom line is that you may lose the home. It is difficult to combat illegal activity if you are behaving legally.

We’ve heard the above threats many times before. Most people generally don’t have the money to move the home / won’t move the home. In every instance of those threats - the home was never moved. You can try to work it out with the tenant (worth a shot) … but it’s highly unlikely it will work out anyway if they’re that combative. Call their bluff.

In my experience having hundreds of tenants at this point, you do not want tenants who are going to be a pain in the rear end - set the example firmly with a no BS policy. Other tenants will see that you’re not a pushover and will be on notice. Good luck.