Tax Season

About this time, every year, I wonder what I could have, should have done in the past to minimize my tax obligations. I promise myself to be more frugal in the expense departments (the income seems to take care of itself, usually) to fine tune the business model by anticipating socio-economic changes and to retain my lead vis-

Post Edited (04-14-11 20:44)


May I suggest a self-directed IRA (SDIRA). Instead of wasting money in the stock market, as Dale points out, put your money in real estate, Lonnie Deals, notes, etc, through a SDIRA. Depending on the structure of your entities (businesses), you can put away larger sums in self-directed S.I.M.P.L.E. or S.E.P. plans because you are self-employed.


Dale , I thank you for your realistic caution. I agree with you. I am generally out of paper assets except for some cash allocated for possible emergencies and some destined for tangible assets that cannot be printed, such as real estate at the right price. I have been expecting the inevitable, multiple crises for some time. I can convince myself of the severity of the impending catastrophe up to a point, but the timing remains elusive. However, I do expect the longevity of the crises to be substantial. For instance, the recent multiple tragedies that have befallen the Japanese (the world

Good morning, Steve, and thank you for suggesting a viable retirement strategy, the SDIRA, for normal times. The older I get, the more pronounced become the activities of my vestigial paranoia genes. Around every corner I seem to see the sprouting of less desirable abnormalities and I don