A potential customer/poster in an earlier message simply asked a bunch of good questions and one very important one in particular was not answered. His question in his own words was:
“In addition, I’m kind of confused on the motivation of the seller. I thought that on a 1031 exchange the only motivation was to reinvest the money from the sale within 90 days, not sell it in 90 days.” It’s a good question which I tried to answer for you, him, and the group. (As a side note - the important time requirements for 1031 exchanges are 45 days to identify and 180 days to close.)
You say that you have heard of bird-dogging. None of us doubts that you have heard of bird dogging - your initial post regarding your idea to bird dog to this group had the subject line “Bird Dogging?” whereby you detailed the idea of sharing information for a fee. Your inventory of possible parks could easily turn into a nice part time business - so my 2 cents FWIW was just to “be careful out there”.
I agree with you that assigning contracts for a fee (aka wholesaling) is time intensive and certainly not for everyone, but, so is any “service for a fee” based business. This is why mobile home parks are so interesting - it allows us to leverage our money and somebody else’s time - our tenants have to share with us part of their income to live on our dirt.
And Bob, please know that you have nothing to be sorry for - we all have to find our own deals with or without brokers, intermediaries, or bird dogs. Your “good deed” is still “unpunished” so relax Please continue to bird dog however you feel comfortable - certainly don’t stop because of me. I’m not the “deal police” and I’m certainly not looking to rain on your parade.
Regarding the P.A. acronym - it stands for Professional Association. P.A.'s have been around in most states since the 1960’s. It’s a way to incorporate as a professional - doctors, attorneys, accountants, brokers, most professions that require having a license and keeping up the associated continuing education.
Regarding your last question - “They say the(y) have to sell, that’s good enough for me. You?” Well Bob, to be blunt: No, what a Seller (or Intermediary) “says” is rarely “good enough for me”. For me it’s “trust but verify”.
Continued good luck with your businesses,