Simple Spreadsheet to evaluate an MHP

Dear MHP Community,

Here is a simple spreadsheet I use to evaluate/ underwrite a potential MHP. Take a look and feel free to use it.

All you do is plug in the lot rents, the down payment you are making, the vacancy on the park, other income and also the expenses (some expenses may be missing, so just insert another line for the expense item). Also, you can insert the interest rate on the loan, the loan term… Then the program tells you the cap rate and your cash on cash return.

If you have questions on how to use this, feel free to reply.

Thanks, Peter

Where is the spreadsheet?

Nice tool, I use a simliar quickie eval tool, I have added DCR, cash on cash, and break even since I always want to know right away if financing will even fly.

Where did you find this spreadsheet at? I am having trouble finding it

Where is the link to download the spreadsheet?

Do you mind sharing your spreadsheet?

Same question. How to download the speadsheet?

Yes, would love to download your eval tool. Would you mind sharing? Thanks!

Please share the spreadsheet. Thanks

Ditto the spreadsheet! Please attach or forward. Thank you!

Hi Peter,

Could you please share the spreadsheet with me?

Many thanks,


I would like to see the spreadsheet too please.

Hi, would you mind sharing your underwriting spreadsheet. New potential owner here…

Funny thing, I requested that spreadsheet in 2018 and Peter was kind enough to send it to me. Sadly, I cannot find it now. Peter, would you be open to resending it to please?

Please share your spreadsheet with me

Hi Peter, could you please send spreadsheet to me, also?



I created this Dropbox file to share MHP-related documents.