The problem with undocumented/illegal people is that you don’t know what you’re getting because you can’t do a background check. They could have an extensive criminal record. I no longer accept undocumented people because of that.
It’s illegal to ask whether a prospective tenant is legally in the USA.
I have 2 Hispanic parks, and I love them!!
The only negative aspect is the funny colors they paint their homes and quinceaneras. I have a few Purple houses and a few Canary yellow ones. My favorite is the purple house. It sits right in the front of the park.
The Quinceaneras are a park-wide event. We open the clubhouse, and they party all night. In one of my Hispanic parks, the clubhouse was closed. I remodeled the clubhouse and opened it up for Parties. Everyone loves it.
Another good tip for Hispanic parks is to get the CashPay program up and running.