Seeking BILLBOARD experience

I am about to close on a commercially zoned property with an older doublewide on board which will be used as a regular old rental. This property has a bank at the back, that slopes right down to the local highway; IMO, prime location for a billboard.

I checked the outdoor american advertising association of america (!?) at, and through them found a local National Account Manager for one of the big boys of outdoor advertising, CBS. They have several BBs in the area already.

So here I am drafting an email to this guy, when I realize that I have no clue. I can do some DD and research what BB clients are paying, perhaps even what CBSOutdoor is paying local landowners for the BB. I have a call in to the county for an appointment to find out what is necessary to put up my own, if it comes to that (last option), . . .

I guess I’m looking for the voice of experience here. WHAT particular DD items would apply, WHAT is the particular course of action I should be taking, etc etc etc.

This is not a commercial venture, and the property itself is not viable for that - it will stay residential, for now. The BB is just an additional profit center. And I’m looking for some guidance, so as to learn from someone else’s mistakes, rather than my own.

Steve, I would imagine State Department of Transportation (they are regulatory body here in Missouri) would be the first stop - after that the county…I would would imagine tough going in Washington State with all of the nutty lib , save the environment types. Getting the marketable type of permit is where the rubber meets the road - and in many areas they have purposed to make it impossible…usually more lienient toward on premis business signage, and sometimes that is the route we must use here in MO. We get on premis permit, that can later be rented out, with permit use change.

I am doing my ground level research on this, and I came upon a website and books by DAVE REYNOLDS and FRANK ROLFE!

Those names sound familiar? (hint:

I never heard that FR was a previous billboard entrepreneur - wonder what else we don’t know??!! LOL


I think you are very close to me. I am in Gig Harbor. Are you somewhere in Kitsap County? The wavecable address made me think of that. I have done a fair amount of research into BBs and am happy to pass on what I have learned so just ping me. I can tell you that jurisdictions for the most part do not like BBs. Most of the existing BBS are a non-conforming use now and could never be built there if tried today. But you would need to check with municipality that you are located in first and you will save yourself a lot of trouble; either the city our county. Their zoning code will tell you if your zoning will allow a BB. Many times you can find it all online. From the checking I have done for Pierce and Thurston counties niether will allow a BB to face several highways including I-5, Hwy 16, 302 and several others. I havent researched Kitsap but if you are talking about Hwy 16 the city or county will likely address that in their exceptopns. Hope that helps.


I am - we are VERY close.

BB company (CBS) told me that my county will not allow any new BBs. End of statement. Period.

Sounds like a story to me; I called the county and they went, huh?

Guess I need to follow up a little more directly - haven’t yet closed, so no big rush, but hey! if it gets more $$ for less work, I’m all about that.

Give me a call Sean
