I was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing there rules and regulations that has info pertaining to septic systems?
My email address is addams2@addams.net
Thank you,
Debbie (WA)
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing there rules and regulations that has info pertaining to septic systems?
My email address is addams2@addams.net
Thank you,
Debbie (WA)
It would be beneficial for you to contact your local Health Department. They should have the Rules & Regs for your area.
The septic tanks are usually the responsibility of the park owner. The tenants shouldn’t be messing with them at all. It might be a good idea to have your maintenance man put a bottle of bacteria into each septic tank once a year.
I have a Land/Home rental that needed a new septic system, and the Health Dept required a Operations and Maintenance (O&M) contract - the contractor I hired gave me a sheet of Basic Recommendations that might fit what you need - contact local O&M contractors and ask them for their Basic Recommendations.
Things like “use one-quarter the recommended amount of laundry soap”, and "spread clothes-washing over the entire week and avoid
half-loads" come to mind - - - if you have no luck, contact me and I’ll fax mine to you.
I give this sheet to tenants, and mention it in the rental agreement.