Reducing mowing costs

I have a few acre field in one of my parks that costs a decent amount to mow and maintain. It doesn’t get used by residents as it’s mostly an older population. Has anyone had luck planting wildflowers or something similar? I am thinking similar to how highway departments do in the medians. Park is in the northeast. Open to other ideas as well

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Could you find a rancher farmer who wants to hay the land for feed.

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Gravel it and make it RV/Boat storage.

You can put in just a few spots at first and add more gravel once you fill up the first few spots.

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Goats plus ag exemption?

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Some awesome ideas. Maybe a few storage sheds (easier on the eyes than a row of RVs) would work too… thanks for the idea @SDGuy

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You can always put up a fence to shield the eyesore.
If you can get $50-100/month for storage this will quickly be a good money maker.

Yaph,like someone already said,goats are a good idea.