Hey, I liked your site. I especially liked the idea of posting photos from time to time. Mind if I borrow the idea?
My number one goal is to get one new resident per year from the website. That’s a very modest goal and one that I think is attainable. Register.com has a package for less $500 which includes domain, website, e-mail, etc. for 5 years. That’s reasonable enough to try the idea. I’ll be the only mhc in the county with a website and probably only one of just a handful in this part of the state to have such a thing. I do marketing every single day in one form or another so this is just another way to reach people I might not have otherwise reached.
Have been thinking about the computer use in the community and it’s not as limited as I originally thought. I encourage people to buy them if only for their children to play games. It is working. The residents can check their bill and even pay it online and some are actually doing it. The residents are of modest means by any measure yet they are making use of their own computers or using those of others. I consider a bill payed when the billing company I use receives it. When they argue about not receiving their bill or saying they already sent it in, I just tell them to check online. End of discussion.
Another goal for the website is how it affects me outside of this business. I have a lot to learn regarding computers and the Internet and this is just one more step along a never-ending road. I get the chance to grow and can write off the cost as a business expense. What’s not to like about that?
Wheat Hill