Perspective buyer wants us to find manager!

We’re in the process of selling our park in New Mexico and have had one or two prospects mention that any offer would have to be contingent upon a manager being in place.

At best I feel comfortable with providing a short list of current tenants in the park who we think would be a good fit.

My gut says putting some one in place before hand might be premature. I’d hate to get some one up to speed that works well for us only to have the new owner fire them soon after because of a clash of personalities or something along those lines. Also I’m not sure it’s my place to formulate the job description or establish the pay rate for their employee.

Any thoughts?


Sounds like your buyers are amateurs. ‘Real’ buyers are comfortable finding their own managers. That said, you should not feel bad about getting someone prepped to be manager. If you have amateur buyers, they’ll almost certainly keep that person on.

Feel free to send your deal to me. We are real buyers, and do not make offers contingent on management being in place.

All the best,


I would put in place, as manager, the first tenant with a heart beat that steps up for the job.

Close the deal and walk away.