Hi all! Thank you so much for having this forum. I’ve been reading it for the past year. My husband and I finally bought a small park. We have looked for years. I am working on a set of park rules and would very much like a copy of Corey Donaldson’s rules, if possible, as our park is in Texas. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your messages concerning the mobile home park rules and regulations. I just sent each of you a copy of the park rules and regulations that we use for a park based in Texas.
In addition to the sample document, I also have a couple of suggestions that you may want to take into consideration when creating your own park rules and regulations:
Have your Park Manager play a heavy role in creating the document and wording it. They will feel more of a sense of ownership in enforcing the rules.
Be careful not to introduce too many new rules all at once. While you will always be striving to raise the standards of your park, we have found it easier to establish a number of core rules and then slowly introduce new ones and and tighten the old ones over time.
Require that every tenant read and provide you with a signed copy of the rules and regulations. Also have each tenant review and sign them annually. This is to ensure that they are aware of any changes as well as you have an updated record of aknowledgement in case you need to evict them for non-compliance.
Make sure your Manager is consistent in applying all of the rules! More often than not, tenant complaints have to do with another tenant breaking the rules or the park not applying them consistently/fairly.
Revisit your rules and regulations at least once every six months. You will tend to find that you can continue to improve them to address issues that come up over the daily course of business.
Just FYI to all posters on this thread, its a bit dated ( 10 years) and not sure if those users are still active on here.
Frank and Dave have good rules from the bootcamp package and its a paid service so cant be shared but just FYI for those looking for some solid forms for operating parks, there is tremendous value in getting signed up with their material and great starter pack.
Their contract along is probably worth multiple times of what the bootcamp runs…