Outsourced administration

We have been operating mobile home parks for many years using a team of people to do all of the bookkeeping and other administrative tasks. At this point, we are considering offering our services to others to handle this back-end work. Is there anybody who is currently struggling with their administrative functions who would like to have us take over that role? Shoot me a message, and we can discuss your issues and see if we can work out a solution.


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I wish you all the best as this is a “unicorn” in our industry for small and mid-sized communities.

I am aware of one large full service called “Shipiro” (if they are still providing management/bookkeeping services), but I also know two communities that hired them and within a year they were no longer working with them. Our product price point does not allow a lot of room for management fees and third-party management companies eat up a big percentage of the income.

I believe Glenn Esterson has rolled out a new bookkeeping service and possibly additional management services: https://www.themhpexpert.com/ (you will have to look into this one further as I know very little about this one).

A third option is a third-party bookkeeping solution called Anequim: Virtual Accounting Services | Anequim (They might provide other back office solutions as well.)

Good Luck!

My wife has an accounting firm where we have run our park financials through. We eventually branched out to other parks which morphed to apartments, shopping centers and other commercial real estate. They have to operate within our software and only with the banks that we prefer to interface with. Couple dedicated employees handle it all.

Asked her why she charges me more than everyone else and she said it’s because she has to deal with “me”. Go figure.

Good luck… it’s a money maker.

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