Online Payment Service for 20 Lot Community (Zego says we're too small)

Hello All. First time owner who closed yesterday! The prior owner was using the Zego payment software integrated into Rent Manager. Residents were paying through the community’s website. We hoped to continue the same; however, Zego says it won’t work with our 20 lot community.

What online payment solutions should we explore which allow residents to continue paying rent through the community’s website? We’re hoping the management transition is seamless for our residents. And hopefully it can be fully integrated within a week as March 1st is coming up soon.

Thank you!

That’s interesting, we are currently using rent manager and onboarding zego for only 14 units.

Folks seem satisfied with Buildium for collection as well as its other features. Clearnow also offers the service.

We are using Manage America. It’s a bit expensive. We have a customer portal where we can accept cc, ach. It integrates with Zego.

We only use Zego for Cash payments.

Don’t go direct to zego. Zego is a Rent Manager partner. I am currently getting configured with Rent Manager. It is pretty complicated. Anyway, from inside rent manager you can request a zego account for your 20 lot community. But, you need to sign up for the rent manager $200 monthly plan.

“Back in the day” I was using PayLease now called Zego as a stand alone option and paid the same processing fee that we do now after migrating over to Rent Manager. I too, was told back then that it was not an option, but after some kind, civil discussion I was able to set-up a stand alone account. I would call Zego, be nice and explain that you purchased a property from someone that used Zego through a Rent Manager integration , BUT you do not use RM. Zego does not want to step on Rent Manager’s toes so they are very careful about not ruffling any feathers.

Good luck!

TLDR: I’m using Rent Manager and using Rent Manager allows you to leverage Zego even on very small communities so I’m set :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the feedback guys! @PatrickY is doing the exact same thing. I am using Rent Manager but went direct to Zego to get ahead of the March billing cycle so it is seamless for residents.

I have my first onboarding call with Rent Manager today where the top priority will be focusing on the online payments section.

Does anyone have experience acquiring a community closer to month end and how they were able to switch online payments to their newly created bank account to ensure a seamless handoff from the resident perspective?

Thank you again everybody!

I am going live March 1. I have been signed up with RM since January. The learning curve has been a little frustrating and I am technically savvy. I’m just weak with accounting. As far as getting you setup for March 1 it’s probably not possible, for automated payments. You will have to interact with zego to get your accounts setup and it’s probably 3 weeks minimal for that. One other thing, when you do your RM training is they will not give you much information on the portions that deal with transferring money and setting up ACH. They will just refer you to Zego. Zego will do a training with you but that part of the integration is a little annoying in that RM is not 1 stop shopping. The ACH fees are great. $1 per transaction. I use another system for payments I manage, and I am paying up to $10 per transaction on some people.

Thanks again. Just had the kickoff call with them. Unfortunately we’re going to need to figure this out ourselves for March. We’re set up on Zelle and going to add a Venmo account. Wayyyyy less than ideal but we haven’t been left with many options given the tighter timeline.

Yes… back when I transitioned from stand-alone to RM, all the associated ZEGO/RM account numbers changed which meant duplicate records in ZEGO, AND any Cash Pay numbers issued, had to be reissued. We also learned the hard way when we started using locations in RM, that is the same as a new install which meant new account numbers and Cash Pay numbers again. Normally, we get the next months rent from the seller so we have a month runway to get the systems set up otherwise your first month will be a little chaotic.

$1 per home
Users can pay with Moneygram

@PFM getting second months rent is a great idea. I just did an acquisition where we did it kind of by accident, but it was a huge help and we’ll certainly be doing it for future purchases.

UPDATE. Thank you all. Since we are a Rent Manager customer, there is no minimum for Zego. This process is moving slowly but we are pushing them hard to get onboarded ASAP.