With Steve’s permission, I wanted to share a new blog that I have created.
As a new entry into the Mobile Home Park world, I’ve spent many hours scouring through the internet, looking for information that could help me in the process of becoming a mobile home park owner. I’ve found some incredible resources and will forever be thankful for sites such as this. It is the character of the people on these boards that weighed heavily in my decision to enter the field. It is also the kind and generous individuals on these forums who have helped and guided me through the process (that means you Karl, Jefferson and Rick Ewens).
However, I also wished that there would maybe be someone who was going through the process as I was, that was documenting it as they went through it–I was hoping that I could learn and share in their experiences.
I was not able to find such a site, so I decided to create a blog journaling my transition from the germination of an idea to an actual mobile home park purchase. I don’t pretend to be an expert, on the contrary, I hope to show others how to become good students of the business, and how to reach out to others for help.
Throughout the process of learning I was always impressed by those so willing to help. Several in particular would comment that when the time came, it would be my turn to help others. I hope to repay some of that kindness by helping others to understand the business and finding of a park.
I hope you visit the site and let me know your thoughts. It takes a lot of time to put it together, but I hope to keep it updated on a regular basis. I have over 28 entries to date. I waited this long to make the announcement because I didn’t want to make it public until I had my first park under contract, which I just did last week! Good or bad, I’ll be posting regularly on that blog.
Please let me know your thoughts on how I could improve it, or give me your recommendations or suggestions.
This is the site:
I’d suggest reading the “How it Began” section first, followed by “Why a MHP?”. Then when you get to the blog section, start from the bottom going upwards, as the oldest posts are at the bottom.
I spent the last 4 days at the park doing a preliminary due diligence and will update the blog with that experience in the next few days.
These are exciting times for us and I hope you enjoy the ride!
Take care,