Need Advice On Connecting Telephone Service To A Trailer

Friends -

I’ve just brought in a mobile home for a Lonnie Deal. I’ve got it rented and the renters say their telephone company (a small rural one I’ve never heard of) refuses to connect the telephone wire from the pole to the home. My tenants say the telephone company tells them that this connection is the mobile home park’s responsibility.

Am I missing something? I thought the park was only responsible for the electric, gas and water/sewer connections. I’ve never heard of a park messing with telephone lines, but please correct me if I’m wrong and I should find someone (electrician???) to come connect the telephone wires.

Many thanks,


I guess it depends on the telephone company. Usually the company will run the line for the buyer/tenant for a fee, add jacks where they want and then offer an insurance package on this work.

In most cases, I run the phone wire myself. There is little to it. Hookup red and green and run the wire.

The reason you don’t hear about this much is because once the main phone line is wired into the home, the future owner’s or tenants just use the same jacks or come off those jacks as needed. With cordless phones the owner’s/tenants don’t often move jacks.
