This message is for anyone doing Lonnie Deals in NE Ohio and/or Western PA.
I have a park south of Y-Town and am looking to fill it. I’m offering up to $2,500 for prospective residents to bring a home in. Got one good one and lots more nibbles but want more action. What if I made the same offer to you to bring homes to my community and do the LDs there?
Let’s say you have a decent home but the PM doesn’t like you or whatever. You would bring it to my community and I essentially pay for the move and set-up. There is no lot rent until the home sells and no lot rent if you have to take it back. It must be an actual sale as I do not allow rentals. I would place signage on the highway (LOTS of traffic), show the home and take the application.
The realistic price range in my community is $8-15+K and I’m flexible as to age as long as they are in good condition. I don’t want junk but I’ve seen some older homes that are in fantastic condition yet other parks don’t want them.
I can take up to 14 X 70s and would pay $2K for these. There are a couple of smaller pads I need to fill and I’d pay $2,500 if you brought a home onto one of them.
Does this interest anyone? Let me know and let’s see if we can help each other out.
Wheat Hill MHC
(330) 426-9558