Natural Gas Submeter Excel Formulas

Park has a master meter and individual meters at each lot. We are having issues in how to properly bill each resident on Natural gas. Does anyone know or can assist with Excel formula? Thanks in advance!!

Sub-Metering Gas.
First always check with your state’s Public Utility Commission, if your allowed to charge for the gas service.

Best practices:

  • Rates you charge should mirror the rates charged at the master meter;
  • If Tier Rates or Conservation Rates are charged, typically you can use the average cost per ccf to allocate to your residents;.
  • Base or Fixed Rates can be prorated by the number of homes;
  • Keep good records of the cost and consumption of the main (master) meter and the sub-meters. Discrepancies in consumption should have a rational explanation.

Alternatively, Sub-metering services can take over the potential headaches of billing in-house, and typically the service’s billing fee is paid by the resident.
“We’re here to answer your sub-metering questions”