MY First park! Advice?

I am about to purchase my first Moblie Home park… what things should I be looking out for? I am going to check all records with the Health Dept., Code Enforcement, Sheriff’s Dept., and Zoning… Anything else I should be focusing on?


You won’t regret the money you spend to educate yourself about this asset class and proper due diligence. Here’s what I recommend you purchase right away:

Huge Profits in Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks

and Deals on Wheels

There is a great article on due diligence by Ray Alcorn on the CREonline website. This isn’t the article, but it’ll give you an idea of what’s involved in proper due diligence.

To the above list I would add verification of the soundness of the infrastructure (electric, water, sewer, or septic), whether or not it’s a good deal and exit strategies, too.

Definitely not comprehensive, but a start.

Good luck