Jim and Ellen Brenn bought a very nice turnaround Park last year near Troy, AL, and if you read the blogs you know they have been kickin’ butt and taking names to get rid of bad apples and turn the Park around. They have graciously agreed to co-host the event this year.
Speakers to date:
Jim and Ellen Brenn (co hosts)
Dave and Betty Jackson (Park Owners)
Fred Balke (Park owner and a GREAT guy.
LinNC SS owner (yea!!)
Chris(NC) a very cool lady (Park Owner??)
Ruben and MichaelKCMO Lonnie Dealers and OP$ specialists
Vanderbilt rep (as yet unnamed)
Greg Meade
David Protiva Park owner (multiple) and Broker
I have invited three more speakers and will post when they let me know aye or nay. We will try something a little different this year. i just went to Scott and Tony’s Bootcamp in NC and i want to take a page out of their book on format. Friday we will tour Ellen and Jim’s Park and maybe have an evening session for them, David P and LinNC… posssibly start at 6pm and go to whenever. Jim and Ellen have then got time to go over acquisition of their Park, a frank discussion on some of the probs they ran into right from the beginning. i really don’t want them rushed…they are living the dream and I want there to be time for questions, etc.
David Protiva is a real interesting guy and I would like to hearmore about what he does. People I greatly admire respect his work and that’s good enough fo me!
Lin is the most persistent person I have ever met period. I want her to have the time to fully explain the journey she travelled to acquire a bizzillion SS units. She is an inspiration to many folks in my field…
Ellen found this meeting place and well priced rooms:
Holiday Inn will charge $76.99/room per night
Every 25 rooms booked will give us one free room.
They will give us a free meeting room.
Breakfast is served 6-9:30 daily
Dinner is served 5-9 daily
They will serve lunch on Saturday for us.
Their telephone number is (334) 566-1150
They want a credit card to hold the rooms.
Holiday Inn Express is next door and they can handle overflow
I blocked out 50 rooms. If you only need a room for Friday night (or Thursday and Friday, etc.) the rate still applies. If these sell out I will grab another 50 rooms. It is critical to get the rooms now. mention MOM meet and discount applies.
These are cheap rooms…the same room here in FL is 109. There will be some free rooms and I have private investors that are happy to help with cost of food, gas, etc. please email me or call me if you need help getting to the meet…most of us have needed a hand at some point in our lives… there is no shame in that , there is shame in forgetting this later on in life.
These meets are for the new person. Not sure if this is for you? Don’t know where to start? Start right here. meet folks actually doing deals. I hope there will be at least 3 folks here that have written books on Mobile home Investing.
I host these to give back what has been so gladly given to me. The cost of the event is free. If you can make this meeting I want you to… there is a huge amount of talent and smarts at these meets and getting started can change your life.
If we can get ONE person involved in Mobile investing thru our collective efforts all the time, cost, and energy is well spent!
Greg Meade