Mobile home park tragedy in Mentor, Ohio

Yesterday just a few miles up the road from me, a 62 year old woman working as the on site mobile home park manager of a park in Mentor, Ohio, got into an altercation with a male resident over an eviction notice she was trying to post on his door. He shot and killed her. Then other residents came to her aid, and he shot and killed two more and seriously wounded a third. The shooter then barricaded himself in his own trailer and killed himself.

Most every park has that tenant, possibly more than one, with the potential to become dangerous. I managed the park I live in for a while and could easily imagine three tenants in here capable of this. They are not mentally stable and have guns.

This is a sad day here locally. Please try to be certain your managers are not put in harm’s way when dealing with evictions. It is an emotionally charged situation when a tenant is faced with losing their trailer, often the only thing they own in this world.

You can request a deputy or police officer to accompany you when you post the eviction notice if you don’t feel safe.

My condolences to the families of all the victims.


This is extremely sad and my heart goes out to the families of the victims, it is crucial that our onsite managers have police back up for whatever they need, and that they know it’s available, and that they know when to use it, how to set it up, etc.

I have been faced with similar escalated situations that have occured over the years and blessings be I am still here. But to those that have lost their lives, I can’t even imagine for all involved what a toll it takes. Be safe out there.

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