We are seeking an investor/partner with $350,000 for a 20% Tenant in Common interest in a New Mobile Home Park currently in the preliminary planning stages. The land has been purchased and we are ready to start the engineering. We have also paid the necessary fees and filed a zone change application with the County but they are in need of the site plan and design before they can proceed with the application.
Here are the terms:
** $350,000 Investment will be given a 20% ownership in the property via Grant Deed
** Investor will also receive 20% of the net income from the property once it has been filled or is profitable
** Investor will be paid their initial investment $350,000 as soon as the construction loan is paid off and permanent financing is in place
** Investor will also receive 20% of the Net Profit from the sale of the property when sold.
The “Investor” can be an LLC, Partnership, IRA, Individual or any other legal investment entity and will be granted the 20% ownership as a Tenant in Common.
If you would like more details or an Executive Summary and Projected Cashflow/Income, please contact me via email at: dave@fscigroup.com
Or you can contact myself of my partner at the numbers listed below.
Edward J. Zorn, Esq. CCIM
ZEC Realty, Inc.
Office:(951) 371-9170 ext.11
Fax:(951) 346-4010
Cell:(951) 733-9676
Dave Roekle
FSCI Group, Inc.
Toll Free:(800) 993-7886
Office:(951) 278-2370
Fax:(951) 278-2886 Fax
AIM: daveroekle
Yahoo: daveroekle