I would definitely attend Mobile Home Millions IV in Orlando. The networking is invaluable. You will find many people that have $$$ and looking for a passive investment with some upside. There is a lot of money chasing deals right now.
I would also tune in to the teleseminar with Steve Waite on Thursday, March 23rd at 5:30PST. Clayton Bank & Trust will be a great resource for mobile home/mobile home park funding.
When I started out I bought and sold partials on Lonnie deals and split the yield with my money partners 50:50. They ended up with yields around 50%. Now I do Lonnie deals and sell partials at a straight 12-16%, but in the early days when I needed the money I wanted to get half of something instead of all of nothing.
The people I used for money partners were usually other real estate investors (I like them best because they understand the risks and the benefits of this kind of investing), friends and family. If you can use as little as $1000, then just keep mentioning to friends, family and co-workers what you’re doing and you’ll find them. Just be sure that your partners get paid no matter what.
Going to real estate conferences is a great way to find the educated investors. So think about Orlando.