MHP vs Single Family

So I have read through the forum as I consider my next investment property. I am looking at a town house, and a park.

I see comments about the park being so much easier then a single family home. Why? It seems every park I look at has some park owned homes in it. So, at least initially there will be the same maintenance and tenant issues (perhaps even more so on a 20 yo mobile) So, why a MHP over a house?

I will tell you that right now I am leaning at buying the house (which is a deeply discounted REO) doing the work it needs, then putting a tenant in it, and refinancing to get my cash back out and go put down on a park. The townhouse would still cash flow about the same as a park in the same price range is what I am finding. (of course the one park I have looked close at has a 35% vacancy right now so there is some upside potential there)