I’m looking for some input on the different management software packages that are available. I currently have just under a 100 tenants from two parks and a few single-famil. homes. I’m using a very basic excel sheet that I’ve created and it works fine for me however my on-site managers have some issues with it.
I’d love to have a system that is based online so that I can monitor remotely. Any experience with that?
there is a company www.rentmanger.com have heard good things about it . We have multiple locations in different part of the country we use Quick books Pro with PC Anywhere this seems to work very well for us gives us instant acess to any one of our sites
I use a combination of QuickBooks and Excel so I can’t speak from personal experience on any of the management software. But I do have a thought . . . It seems what you’re already doing is working fine for you and that you’re only looking to make a change in order to help your on-site managers. If that’s the case, ask them what they’re familiar with and what they want. Of course, you’ll want to make sure it works for you too, but that’s my 2 cents.
Thanks for your help everyone. I tried the demo of rent manager and that is a cool program. I’m going to try pc anywhere first so I can at least access my info from home. Once I buy another park or property I think I’ll do the switch to rent manager.