I have several qualified buyers looking for mobile parks, apartments and self-storage across most parts of the country. Particular interest in: TX, FL, OK, TN, AK, WV, GA, NC, SC.
Some buyers are looking for property as low as $500 thousand, but more looking in the range of $2 million and up.
If you have a property you would like to consider selling, or know of one for sale feel free to contact me with some basic details.
Brief Description
City, State of Subject
Number Units Occupied/Available (if mobile park, how many park-owned units)
Sorry to hear you have had that kind of experience. I would never post your information to the public. I work with a few investors who are quite respectful of other’s time and preferences for selling. I typically give a brief description of the property:
50 unit apt in Tampa, FL, $2.5 million purchase, 98% occupied (sometimes a cap rate based on actuals as well)
100 pad mobile home park in Houston, TX, $1.8 million purchase, 90% occupied, 50 mobiles on notes
If investor shows interest about the project I ask the seller if it is alright that I connect them. At that point, after conversations ensue, I pass on more detailed information about the numbers.
Hopefully that is an acceptable way to present a project. Typically I will be offering this basic information on 4 or 5 properties at a time to each investor. Good properties are hard to come by for a good buyer. Good buyers are hard to come by for a seller with a good property. I just try to accommodate the process.