We’ve faced some challenges lately, including the water meter issues and the recent rent increase. Despite successfully handling the news involvement previously, there’s a new twist. One tenant is attempting to stir things up again, sharing a video about a home falling apart. We need to locate it discreetly for inspection. It’s a serious matter, and we’re seeking input on handling this without unnecessary attention. If you have advice or information, please let me know.
Is this a home that you own or does the tenant own it? If the tenant owns it don’t worry about it. If it’s a home that you own, tell all of your park owned home tenants that you will be doing home inspections and go find it.
Sorry this is happening to you. Really is a shame when someone decides to be vindictive. The Fb page won’t open but I am thinking they are complaining about their sink and posting on Fb- without letting you know there is a problem. You can’t be held to account for a problem if you are not made aware of the problem by the tenant. Maybe send a notice to everyone that if they have any immediate repair needs they need to contact you immediately.
We have it in our lease that if tenants must notify us of water, sewage or hazardous issues within 24 hours and if they let the condition go on too long without notifying us they can be held liable for the damage.
Hang in there… this too shall pass.
Your post does not give enough information. A video of a dilapidated home is not a problem unless you own the home, have a tenant in it, and refuse to maintain it. If it is tenant owned, it is the tenant’s problem. If it is abandoned, you may be required to secure it by boarding it up.
Not sure what you mean by discreetly locating it. I would just drive through the park until you find the home. Why do you have to do that discretely?
What is the serious matter? If you are renting an unsafe home to a tenant, that is serious. You may have to put the tenant into temporary housing until you can make the home safe and legal. If it is abandoned, you have to secure it. If it’s tenant owned, you may want to terminate the lease on grounds that the home is not being maintained to legal standards.
I suspect Archer40 is a park resident not a park owner.
I don’t know… maybe. He posted last month about a big kerfufle he had with a resident while he installed water meters.