Insulation behind skirting

Wisconsin. Double wide sitting on gravel, with decent underbelly insulation now But gets terribly cold in winter. I’ll try to patch up the holes.

As far as the insulation behind the skirting - is 2in closed cell foam board the correct choice?
Does the gravel need to be covered with a vapor barrier once we install the foam board around the perimeter?
How large of vent holes should be drilled on each end of the trailer?

I think that’s all for now.

@Goat23 these would be great questions for you to ask Randy Dailey

How do I ask him ? Lol I’m new here and still trying to navigate this forum. @lorean87

I reached out to see if I can get you his contact info. Will let you know

There are some automatic vents measuring 8”x 16”, which open or close the vents depending on the temperature. I think those would be the best you can buy for that area.
As for the vapor barrier, we think its better to put it, regardless of skirting or not.
Insulated skirting comes in 2” width.

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