Individual septic for each mobile home good or bad?

You may have seen my other posts in here related to a small mobile home park with 1 ranch home and 5 mobile homes.

I have been waiting on the information regarding the septic design of this property for months. I have finally got them in my hands ( straight from the state of Maines website) and now realize I have no idea really what I am looking at! (I half joke)

It appears each home has its own 1000gl septic tank and leach field. My initial question is… Is it good or bad to have individual septic for each mobile vs one big central unit??

If you have a need to replace fields down the road, it’ll be more cost effective to do one larger system. But for now, the downside is higher inspection costs (look at them all for age and to confirm locations, old plans are unreliable) and more tanks to pump. The upside is if you have a single 80 year old person in those homes you know the field isn’t going to fail on you any time soon (minimal use).

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