I Need Help With Master Lease Agreement Details!

Good day,

I have a park which I wasn’t able to successfully negotiate a purchase on but the sellers are open to discussing a Master Lease Option (MLO)… however, I have some questions about the intricacies of the ML piece. Insurance/utility/tenant lease contracts, how taxes are paid, who gets tax benefits, etc. Does anyone have any experience with this? I realize anything can be negotiated into a contract but these guys have a couple attorney friends that nit pick everything and I’d like to know whats customary.

Thanks in advance,

Hello, Did you work your way through the MLO? Many of the questions you ask may depend on how closely the MLO really tracks to a sale? Is it akin to Synthetic lease where you get paid, all or nearly all up front, by their “lender,” who then collects the “rent” from Lessees?

These can be structured in so many ways… Hope you obtained quality legal advisors to review any contract…