How to electrically upgrade a mobile home

Upgrade so can use LED bulbs throughout the house without loss of power in various rooms. We want to be able to live in this home (vintage 1971) the way that we did years ago, using the new technologies which will allow us to leave little, if any, carbon footprint.

I think that if you “upgrade” to LED et cetera, you will have less demand on the corresponding electrical circuit. So don’t really understand what would cause you to “lose power in various rooms” with respect to this upgrade.

Question is not clear. Using 120V ,60watt equivalent ,led bulbs rated at 9 watts will have no impact on the electrical system of the home. The overall “carbon footprint” reduction will be negligible but use of LEDs is a common practice in todays world.

I “upgraded” my home to use LED bulbs.

The only thing we had to change, besides the actual bulbs, was the dimmer switches. Don’t ask me why but my electrician said I had to use LED rated dimmer switches. Honestly, I thought he was full of it so I didn’t do it. Well a few months later I had him come out and replace all my dimmer switches to LED rated switches.
I was getting all kinds of flickering and buzzing noises.

Link to the explanation of why you need LED dimmer switches.

Try a different dimmer. On the box it should say what dimmers are compatible. Diva is the most compatible.