How can I find the best parking lot investment?

I am a turkish citizen residing in Turkey and just like everyone I invest globally. I want to invest in parking lots.

Last year I purchased a house in Delaware. Everything was perfect. Property management, rental insurance etc.

But it requires more capital (can not be diversified too much) and repairs/maintenance can create e problem.

Parking lot investment is more practical.

How can I invest in USA/UK or similar countries for parking lot?

What is the best ROI offering deal and can I own the parking lot legally like a title deed (sorry for my english).

Thank you


Anyone would give information?

Hi @deroty, this is a Mobile Home forum but you may want to try another investing forum for parking lot info.

It might be something lost in translation, but to maybe clarify, a “mobile home park” is not like a “car park” in European terms.

A mobile home park is just a neighborhood with movable homes instead of onsite built homes.

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Thank you Davido… I had to be more careful.