Hey Jim & Ellen! (and Steve & Corey)

I like the blog - would really like to see some pictures - - - wonder if a new page could be set up with links to pics of each bloggers park!!??

I am impressed with all you are accomplishing - good onya!

Thanks for the feedback Steve! We are ready to begin our 6th month here in Alabama (Jim all the time, me sporatically!)

We are pulling together a presentation for MOM which will, we hope, include pictures! Jim cannot see the changes that are happening because he sees it every day. I see them when I get here. We are both really bad at taking pictures…

I like the idea of a link to park pictures, though. It would also be nice if a notice would automatically post on the forum when one of the bloggers adds something new. I like to read the other blogs, and really hate it when I go there and they have not changed.

We are trying to add something each week, although at least once it was a couple of weeks. :frowning: Unfortunately, it was not for lack of topics! Having a trailer park is kind of like living in the middle of a soap opera, as aptly pointed out to me by Lin (or was it Anne?)

We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! I am headed back to Florida on Sunday (the 17th) and Jim will be coming down on the 20th for a week. Unfortunately, my schedule does not allow me to get back to Alabama again until February, but then I hope to spend more time here than I have been able to thus far.

Ellen Brenn


I will check with our web guy to see how hard this would be to set up. The biggest challenge is going to be uploading and updating the files.

Hope you are doing well. We are going to have a great time in Florida next month at the MOM meeting.
