Great News

Hi Greg,

If I’m the Anne you’re referring to, then yes, I’m happy to speak- I’d better get busy between now and then! I’m looking forward to it and seeing everyone.

take care,



You know I’ll be there…I can’t wait to see Karl’s park. Plus, I want to do a little air racing with Karl…my Mooney and his Velocity.

It’s going to be great…by the way, what great feedback I still get on the MOM in Albany. One of the MHP Bootcamp attendees was at MOM and we talked about it for hours.

Thanks Greg for dedication in helping others succeed in this business.



The value that comes from the MOM meeting is priceless. Don’t let the price fool you. Many people believe that if an event is free, you are set up for sales pitches and slick salespeople. Greg is a first class act and ALWAYS puts together a program that helps those who want to learn how to make money in this business.

There are two events that I make plans to attend every year: Mobile Home Millions (hosted by this website) and the Meeting of the Minds (MOM). Both of them provide tools and knowledge to help investors make right decisions and ultimately profit in the mobile home investing niche.

Steve Case


I hear they have some great antique shops in Florida as well! This time you will have to be bring a bigger car than you had at the MH Bootcamp to bring them all home! :slight_smile:


LOL :slight_smile: Hope to see you in Orlando!

Sounds great! We will reserve a 28’ truck from our self storage facility in Orlando! lol :slight_smile: