Georgia MHP Investing Club

I am not aware of a group of Mobile Home Park Owners in and around Atlanta. If anybody knows of one, please be kind enough to pass along the info. If there currently is not one, I would be glad to try to get one together. If you are in or near Atlanta and would be interested in getting involved, please send me your contact information and let’s see if we can get one together.

After attending the MH millions conference, it was good to see that there are so many like minded people across the country facing similar challenges and successes. It would be a great benefit for everyone to stay connected and help each other succeed.


i have repo homes , call me 318 349 8772

While I do not own a MHP, I would love for some of us in the ATL metro and surround Georgia cities to be able to network with one another. It would be awesome to gather those in various niches of the business (ie, investors, park owners, note buyers, etc.,)


im just trying to get started in this but i would welcome an opportunity for us to bounce ideas, success stories and suggestions off each other

I am in Southern Georgia and think it would be great to have some type of State Chapter dedicated to MH and MHC Investors.
