Finally closed!

This journey started all the way back at the beginning of May 2024 and at times, I thought it just wasn’t going to happen but I kept pressing forward and I happy to say, I finally closed on my first park. Shes not big but shes mine :). I put a little clip together to share with all that have helped here. Thanks for the support.


Congrats! Great piece of land, with those lot sizes you’re going to have folks there 30, 40, 50 years (and probably do already)!

How’s your insurance like the water access?

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I have been working my first park for almost a year now, days from closing! Your park looks awesome, lots of space! Congrats! Homes look decent too. What are your plans for it?

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Thanks Westwart! Yes, I love the layout. It makes for some great separation and privacy for the tenants.

The deeded pond access is walking distance but is down the street so no hit on the insurance as its not part of the property. I had to throw it in the video though because its such a beautiful pond!

Thanks Patrick! Not sure my exact plans yet. Currently sending letters out to all tenants notifying them of change of ownership. When the spring comes I will take a trip (5 hours away) and make a list of all the priority to-do. I definitely would like to get a nice “welcome home - levhon village” sign out front!

Congrats and be sure to let us know when you close on yours!

Congratulations, it only goes up from here!

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Awesome! what are the stats on the park?

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Video does not seem to be available anymore, but congratulations!

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Updated the link Video is back up!

Thanks for the support!

Congrats @StevenM ! Such a good feeling to make something that was a thought into reality. It will give you the confidence to do it again.

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Absolutely Dominic! Thank you