Does anyone have experience living close to an ethanol plant, or information about the impact a new plant would have on a community?
My concerns are due to finding out that a MHP that I have under contract is located across the street (about 1000’ down) from a new facility that will be built for ethanol production in the next 2-3 years.
In talking to lenders and investors they seem to have two opinions- #1- the plant would provide ideal jobs for the MHP residents, and the land would ultimately be worth more as a commercial property than as a MHP and #2- the traffic and smells would impact quality of life in the park, and would make the park less desirable 10 years down the road as a place to live. It’s not really possible to predict how bad the smells and traffic would be, and its effect on a potential sale down the road. I intend to buy and hold, probably selling in 10-15 years.
I uncovered this during due diligence and am not sure what to do about it. Any park owners out there have an opinion? If you had discovered this next to a really nice park during due diligence would it kill the deal for you? Would it make it more valuable? Would you try to negotiate a price reduction?
Thanks for any answers,