Today I got the dreaded phone call. The manager was frustrated that the weekend was full of surprises; frozen water lines, sewer problems etc. Toady she has enough and said, if people around here think they can run this park better than I do, why don’t you give them the job. Click. A few minutes later the maintenance guy calls and says the manager gave him the keys and told him to call me.
So in my park, there is a certified water operator which means water samples need to go places, systems need to be checked etc. We are also in the middle of some legal stuff, some collections and the list goes on. So I started my check list of things to do if a manager walks… For sure I will now be a little more up on the status of certain things, and they will fill in a weekly log of their activities. My checklist is for sure not complete, but it is now a active document on my desktop and I have been adding to it every day. I will modify it for each park, and have it ready to pull out of the file.
In the long run, the manager sent me a email stating she was having a really bad day, wanted her job and was sorry. She is still managing, and I am a bit more prepared for that next call…