Difficult tenant in Ohio

We have a very difficult tenant in Ohio. This resident has made false reports to the EPA, to social security (on my mansger) and to various other agencies to be difficult. All of this is resulting because we issued him a material violation last June, issued a warning in March and just issued several violations today. The violations today had to do with this man verbally attacking my park manager on three different days in a row, we issued a violation for putting a personal security camera on a park pole and sign postings around his unit too. The larger concern is the treatment of our park manager and the verbal abuse. Additionally, he has approached her unit at 11pm one evening with a flashlight shining into her home while she was sleeping and subsequently became verbally abusive. We filed a police report for each occurrence and issued the material violation today. We had the police on the property so the manager can serve the notice. Subsequently, he went to the courts and filed a civil order of protection against my manager. This man has a history of jail time for being a U.S. I’ve to females and is considered an ex convict at this time. He was in the park when we purchase it a few years back. My research reveals he has filed fakes law suites against the government when he was arrested, including the county and state.
Has anyone dealt with a resident who is a criminal, but files these lavish claims at the same time?

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Since the tenant has two violations within a 6 month period go ahead and start the eviction process. Provide copies of the violation notices to your eviction attorney and have him file with the court. The bailiff will serve him and he’ll have to show up at court. The judge will likely rule in your favor. After he is evicted contact your local sheriff or police chief and place a no trespass order on him. If he shows up at your property after he is evicted he can be arrested - if he is on parole and trespasses on your property he’ll likely go to jail for a while.

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No curing crazy. Start the eviction process and don’t stop… even if the behavior slows down. Keep good records for the judge. It will eventually all work out and be OK. Everyone else in the park will appreciate it.

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@Mcguire… avoid referring to him as a criminal and just focus on your tenants actions that violate their Lease and/or Rules & Regulations. We always make the owners the bad guys and the onsite managers as the pawns just doing there job rather than the “enforcers.” They say it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. You will have a lot less brain damage by evicting A.S.A.P. and it also sets a tone with all your other residents that you are serious about running a tight ship.


The resident has now filed an order of protection against my manager. She subsequently filed an order of protection against this man. He is also sending her certified letters about park issues as we try to fix up the community. My guess is he will try to claim retaliation when we file to evict him.

Speak to your attorney but a 30 day non renew at the end of the lease period is probably the easiest route. Try to avoid any contact moving forward. Easier said than done I know.


This tenant is using scare tactics to get his way, you could tell your manager to no longer have any contact with the tenant and send a letter from your attorney that all future communication will have to go through you or your attorney but be sure not to give him any information you don’t want every tenant to have. It’s showing your in control since the tenant is trying to take control of the manager. Your manager can just document any activity but have no contact. Definitely don’t let up on the eviction process.
If The tenant slips up on let rent even by one day. Do not accept rental payment. Easy eviction, entertain possibly paying this tenant to leave, or hold out the eviction over violations. Even if it takes months to a year it will show others they can’t get away it and you have your managers back.

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Yeah…i hear ya…my tenant asked me if I expected him to pull rent $ out of his A** Well that was minor…But hes on notice I cant have that.

At this point the tenant filed an order of protection against my manager. The park manager subsequently filed one against the resident as he was found in her yard at night and shining a light into her home. We filed a police report and issued a material violation. The case took place and my manager was give an order of protection against the tenant for two years. The tenant subsequently hit another court and filed to have rent escrowed with the clerk. He’s had a list of items or issues with the park and we received the notice of claim
today. It turns out the park issued another material violation against this resident today. Ohio law allows for eviction with two material violations within 6 months. Additionally, each violation
We impose a $75 fee as added rent due with the next months rent per the lease. It appears his escrowed rent doesn’t include the fine as required to be paid. We may have the material violation route and non-payment of rent to evict this tenant.

Keeping in mind this resident is filing notices of claims and any actions against the park or manager he can. This man has threatened to file a civil claim against the manager during the order of protection case. We suspect he knows he’s going to be evicted and trying to prolong the process. This resident can complete court forms and has a history during he previous criminal cases. It does appear he shows to court with no lawyer and doesn’t present himself well in front of the judge. The downside is the legal cost to address the need to evict thus resident.

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I agree with @Celectric ; Much easier (and cheaper) to simply non-renew the lease (or even cash for keys) for this tenant to get them out of your park asap

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The attorney already said the non-renew in Ohio isn’t an option.

You have a true renter straight from Hades… Good Luck

Curios, this tenant is a complete renter? Or is he purchasing the home… How much is his rent worth?
Is his lease a year lease or month to month.