Can anyone give me a rough estimate of what it would cost to put in a new pad for a double wide or even an RV. Existing MHP has city water and sewer so should only need to find the pipe cap to bring that up to standard and most electric poles are there but some are not.
Is it better to put a concrete pad down or just get the dirt right, bearing in mind the rules say that it must be a way where water can’t run downhill and sit under the home.
Ball park figure would be great and this is the southern states.
You REALLY need to check with the municipality and the state. Laws are changing everywhere regarding pads. If you get your info from the city or county, be sure to double-check it with the state. Only when you know what the applicable governing agency requires can you get any idea of the cost.
Rolf is correct. It is all over the place as far as requirements. For compairison a pad for a 28x48 last summer in NY was $4200 in material.(stone & concrete) plus $350 for form lumber and $300 for backhoe leveling.